Things That Make Your Online Catalog Printing Easier

Catalog printing is highly complex in nature, which means you’ll need a team of devoted experts and a boatload of creativity to get it done properly. Because of the internet, custom catalog printing has become an incredibly streamlined process. You can easily transfer documents, communicate with your printer about design elements and other related material, and start the printing process with a simple click of your mouse. Pay attention to these life-easing options the next time you log on to place a print marketing order.
Online Design Templates
Most business owners don’t have a whole lot of time on their hands to be talking out their creative wishes for their catalog printing. That’s why it’s nice to have access to these so you can piece it together all in one sitting from home or in multiple sets until the layout is perfected the way you want. These downloadable forms are all ready to go to press. All it takes is for you to add a few elements of your own in a balanced and eye-catching way and you’re ready to go.
Instant Price Calculators
This little online gadget is the single biggest contributor to price comparison because you can churn out a cost within seconds. You might not always get to select every last detail from it, but it will give you an idea of what you’ll spend by opting for that catalog printing company. That’s why there are so many price-match guarantees (on like products, of course.) Instead of calling around for quotes, simply visit five or six web sites and dial in some options for an accurate readout.
Sometimes printers charge to use this tool. Don’t let them! It’s an easy way to submit your relevant files on the web in order to build the type of catalog printing you envisioned. Especially in the case of catalogs, chances are there will be multiple uploads of everything from photos and logos to copy writing.
Electronic Proofing
Another amenity that shouldn’t cost you a penny, an electronic proof is the preferred means of sending you back a finished copy of your online catalog printing. This will make it easier to make any corrections and exchange concerns back and forth quickly. Many times printers will give you the option of receiving a hard copy proof, however this can cost as much as $100 so be careful with what you are ordering so you don’t incur more charges than you thought.