Options For Advancement For Radiologic Technologists

See a Radiologic Technologist in action, in any of the MRI/Ultrasound/X-Ray rooms. These specialists use medical instruments to create images of specific parts of the body. After the images are obtained they continue on to assist the doctors in diagnosing the exact cause of the patient’s ailment. A demanding and challenging task! Most healthcare organizations require Radiologic Technologists to aid their doctors with diagnostic medical examinations.
How can Radiologic Technologist advance in his career?
The job of a Radiologic Technologist is tedious, yet it is rewarding with a lot of room for advancement. Most technologists work in critical rooms of the hospital like trauma, CT, surgery and angiography rooms. A Radiologic Technologist can continue his education in the fields of Mammography, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or Angiography. Fifty percent of radiologic technologists opting for career advancement choose MRI as their domain of study.
Completing any of these courses from an accredited program would get the radiologic technologists certified by the ARRT. These technologists could also choose ultrasound, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy as alternative courses of study.
Technologists who wish to take up managerial roles can apply for the position of shift supervisor or a chief radiologic technologist. These roles require the individual to manage a team of radiologic technologists. Some healthcare organizations mandate the requirement of a Business Degree in addition to the technologists’ experience as a must for applying to managerial roles.
Radiologic Technologists desiring to make a technical career of this profession can seek to apply as a Clinical Instructor or a Program Director.
It has been reported that the median salary of Radiologic technologists is $59,000 per year. With advancement in his role, you could expect the salary to go up by 25{3541c2865dfe3aaa4a0d6e0ad434924bdd555405453a0b02252a16dc38e32a5c}.
Essentials required for a radiologic technologist to advance
A radiologic technologist has many options available to advance his career. Spending one to two years in his role as a radiologic technologist prior to a entering a special modality program will increase his chance of success. Time spent by the technologist in the radiographer role would also allow him to analyze his qualities. Technically sound radiologic technologists can choose to go the clinical director path.
Individuals who are management oriented and have the necessary educational background can choose the position of a Chief Radiologic Technologist or Director of Imagining. Please note that the technologist would need to spend at least 5years prior to taking on the role of a chief radiologic technologist.
A lot of people think becoming a radiologic technologist means their training is complete. In reality, this position offers you the ability to continue learning in the current role and well beyond. Imagine the education you would have if you took about 20 x-rays every day. Without being a doctor yourself, you could often times diagnose the patient’s problem!
Career advancement opportunities for radiologic technologists are many. In fact, these technologists can decide if they wish to continue in their current roles. Many technologists do this keeping in mind the knowledge and satisfaction the current role provides them with.