October 18, 2024

Tender Sin Ethiopia

Tech For A Better Tomorrow

How To Use The Big 3 Of Social Media Online To Promote Your Home Business

How To Use The Big 3 Of Social Media Online To Promote Your Home Business

The social media network online has turned into an Internet juggernaut which knows no bounds and continues to gain momentum as well as increase its membership. The big 3 of this social media frenzy on the web, in no particular order, are: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

These 3 Internet moguls have opened up a whole new territory for Internet marketers and home based business owners online which simply cannot be ignored if you want to enjoy continued success on the web.

Incorporating these social networks into your overall Internet marketing strategy, if done correctly, will increase your website traffic, boost sales and add new subscribers to your email list. Of course your first step toward attaining these goals is to create an account with each of these social networks.

Twitter may be the best place to begin because one big advantage their network provides is when you send a tweet all of your other social networks are updated as well thereby killing 3 birds with one stone, so to speak. When setting up your profile be sure to add a picture of yourself as well as add key words related to your product and to your home business website. Also, include a link to the page you want your visitors to see first, such as your squeeze page.

When tweeting try to include your key words most of the time but be careful not to always be selling to your prospects. A good rule of thumb is 80{3541c2865dfe3aaa4a0d6e0ad434924bdd555405453a0b02252a16dc38e32a5c} of the time tweet about your topic but include links to valuable information on your website without trying to specifically promote your product.

The other 20{3541c2865dfe3aaa4a0d6e0ad434924bdd555405453a0b02252a16dc38e32a5c} of your tweets can be dedicated to information related to you and your interests which may also attract followers who have similar hobbies which can also lead to a sale. Your main goals when using Twitter should be to build your list and to drive targeted traffic to your website.

When incorporating Facebook, after creating your personal profile, your main focus should be on creating an attractive fan page to promote your business and your product. Fan pages have become all the rage among Internet marketers and a well constructed Facebook page can have a dramatic impact on your website traffic and sales. Also be sure to link your Twitter account to your Facebook page so it’s updated automatically when you tweet.

When creating your You Tube profile or channel, as it’s called, be sure to add your key words and try to incorporate what your business objective is in the name of your channel. Also connect your You Tube profile to your Facebook and Twitter accounts so all are updated simultaneously when you add a favorite new video to your play list. Try to select videos that are targeted towards your niche market to add to your play list.

The massive market supplied by the big 3 of the social media network online should have Internet marketers and home based business owners salivating at the opportunity being presented to them on a web based platter and failure to take advantage of this chance would be huge mistake for your enterprise.

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