October 18, 2024

Tender Sin Ethiopia

Tech For A Better Tomorrow

DVD Duplication v/s DVD Replication

DVD Duplication v/s DVD Replication

Duplicating means to copying, Identical, Exact copy of one thing or reproduction. It is act or process of reproducing something. It is carbon copy, image, and copy. Bearing exact features of the original, from which the copy is made. It therefore means a copy that corresponds to an original exactly

To replicate means an act of duplicating or reproducing something, an echo or reverberation, a copy or reproduction. Again we see that is a process of duplicating or reproducing something. It is a Duplicate made by original maker.

Here we come close. Both words have similar meaning just bearing a thin line to differentiate each other.

Conclusion drawn from the above text is the copies can be made or Duplicated or anything can be identically be copied manually or by help of machines (photocopies, imaging machines etc) by any individual.

Technology has played wonders. Duplication of a document in thousands of numbers can be obtained in seconds. High tech copiers with digital technology have gained market and importance due to speed, quality and due to the special feature of being cost effective.

Media is an initial and essential ingredient of our high tech digital world. Advent of computers, it advancements, passing through different stages and coming up to the present stage where we have smaller faster units, requiring to occupy small physical space, storage devises that too occupies larger spaces and copying and storage used to burdensome.
DVD Duplication is the process of duplicating data onto an existing pre-made disc. This disc is known as DVDR, short for Digital Versatile Disc Recordable, respectively.

DVD Duplication is same as to duplicating other storage media. In all cases your are duplicating data onto existing media. Existing media is the key. The process begins with a pre-made disc that is capable of receiving recorded data.
Duplicating DVD is simpler, faster and more cost effective.

DVD Replication is the manufacturing process that essentially replicates or “clones” your original master. A Glass Master is created from your original master.

A Glass Master is created from your original master.

It is from the Glass Master a set of “stampers” are made. The stampers or molds are the blueprint for DVD replication process. After mounting stampers into a High Tech injection mold machine. During molding process, a replica of the mold is created in the form of a plastic disc. The disc is then coated with a micro-thin reflective layer of aluminum.

Finally DVD replication process involves application of a protective lacquer that is spun onto the disc and then hardened by ultraviolet (UV) light. The replication process is now complete. DVD Replication therefore is longer, more costly process but ensures quality, accuracy and speed from start to finish.

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